Shawna found a cathartic release for her own painful and challenging emotions, mental states and physical conditions through shadow work, energy work, writing and poetry. Through her intense inner persistence throughout life to “feel the depth of her everything”, she faced her Dark Nights of the Soul head on. She believes in the path of feeling, rather than fixing, no matter how tumultuous this path may be.

Shawna is Reiki Master Certified with a Bachelor of Psychology Degree from Simon Fraser University. In 2017 she was awarded a scholarship to train with professional medium and best-selling Hay House author, Carmel Joy Baird, which further developed her intuitive abilities and the poetry which flows from this higher state.

Shawna is a writer and poet which is her greatest passion throughout life. She has just begun to release her most treasured poetry collections which combines her raw and uncensored experiences through human struggle with a higher spiritual perspective. Through tumultuous relationships and tumultuous emotions, she candidly reveals it all. All while revealing the divine meaning of the oftentimes confusing path that so many of us are on—a great gift that will expand, awaken and bring us back to our true self.

The name “Shawna and The Light” represents both the personality self referred to as “Shawna” in this lifetime, and the higher self referred to as “The Light” that is eternal and beyond this lifetime (The God Self, the Divine Spark). The personality self offers a practical, human perspective, while the higher self offers a broader, spiritual perspective. Both aspects are conveyed in Shawna’s writing, offering a unique combination of depth, contrast and relatability for readers.

Shawna loves animals and nature, and finds happiness in the simple pleasures in life like spending time outdoors on a sunny or rainy morning with her cat and a coffee in hand. She loves to watch the birds, breath in the fresh air and take in the peace of a new day before her creative mind is taken in a dozen directions. She also loves driving with the windows down and the music up and meeting new and original people who aren’t afraid to speak their truth—no matter who might be in the room.

When Shawna was in her teens, her grandmother sent her a letter with the words “Trust Thy Self”. These words have been at the core of her own learning and the foundation for all that she offers to others.

To place a request for Shawna + The Light to be a featured poet for an online or in-person event, or to request a manuscript or poem for publication or usage consideration, please email.

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